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news/2025/2/23 22:14:49

Technorati Mini是一个小窗口,他会根据你的搜索关键词每隔1分钟就自动搜索1次,这样你一直让他保持着,你就可以像一个疯子一样持续不断地跟踪blog世界中每时每秒发表的和这个关键词有关的文章了。



technorati mini

Technorati Mini

Some topics are so hot, you've just gotta stay on top of who's saying what, right when they're saying it.

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oauth2 github_如何使用oauth2_proxy保护GitHub登录后的私有Kubernetes服务

oauth2 github介绍 (Introduction) Kubernetes ingresses make it easy to expose web services to the internet. When it comes to private services, however, you will likely want to limit who can access them. oauth2_proxy can serve as a barrier between the public…

[引爆流行]Meme Engine话题(一)

Meme是什么呢郑昀 2006 采用许可:署名,非商业Meme是什么,我也不知道具体定义。Wikipedia上有相关的解释,可惜国内封锁了。从anthropik的《Meme - The Anthropik Cyclopaedia》,以及《meme的中文翻译》和Asiapan的《关于…


小程序方块滑块轮播介绍 (Introduction) When creating a professional website, using an image carousel to showcase your portfolio will display your experience with front-end development in a fun and creative way. This tutorial will walk you through the essent…


Jffmpeg应该是对 ffmpeg 这个C编写的工具的Java封装。 另一个封装的是http://fobs.sourceforge.net/FOBS, the C & JMF wrapper for ffmpeg.Cleverpig said:“其实,感觉上可以自己编写一套流媒体规范的实现,比如将源文件指定为wav格式或者…

mqtt debian_如何在Debian 10上安装和保护Mosquitto MQTT消息代理

mqtt debian介绍 (Introduction) MQTT is a machine-to-machine messaging protocol, designed to provide lightweight publish/subscribe communication to “Internet of Things” devices. It is commonly used for geo-tracking fleets of vehicles, home automation, env…


cleverpig said“之所以有些格式的媒体文件不支持分段播放,是因为它们文件中不含有索引信息。就像在以顺序方式读取文件时无法seek一样。。这个问题可以通过人工(或者用程序)将文件分割后部署放到服务器上来解决。”以及“随着iTunes4.9版的发…


redis管理客户端介绍 (Introduction) Redis is an open-source, in-memory key-value data store. One of its most sought-after features is its support for replication: any Redis server can replicate its data to any number of replicas, allowing for high read scal…


看到很多很多人持续在问这个问题。以前我也听说,好像kvm底层实现不太支持j2me来做streaming video/audio,但我不知道那人为什么这么说。那么现在国外有一个人提出下面这种思路,并且号称在Nokia6260[相关数据:诺基亚 6260 Nokia626…